Club Race No. 6

With a severe thunderstorm warning for South East Queensland and the Northern Rivers area of NSW 53 hearty souls got out of bed early and joined fellow competitors in double distance.  I was heading to my marshalling point at Amaroo and Fraser Drive to relieve Angela.  As I drove down Fraser Drive all I could see was a sea of white lights slowly grinding up the hill. Some bright, some really really BRIGHT, some flashing and some not so bright.

Then the rain started falling, getting heavier and heavier, a quick check of the BOM  saw that we were still on the edge of the storm that was still heading our way, a roll of thunder and then the rain got heavier and heavier and the riders kept on coming with big smiles on their faces.

                                                      The passing of the storm!

Now with perfect running conditions, there were some remarkable times recorded for both double and single distances.

                                 Change of venue for a wet presentation

Presentation saw some feats – Mr Kevin ‘The Rock’ Bannerman having raced over the past 17 years has completed 400 Twin Towns Club Races, with Matt Lance (the young one on the left) joined the 100 club.






Uniform will be available next week, make sure you bring your money along.

Random Draw winners
Kruse Carter, Danny Warner, Sean Young, Ian Curnow and Con Vayanos

Season Point Score Report up to Race 5
1.   No. 154  Louis Oram         116 Points
2.   No.89    Terry Hawkins    111 pts
3.   No. 97   Lisa Ross              107pts
4.   No.160  Michelle Jones   101pts
5.   No. 80   Ryan Stoddart     101pts
6.   No. 36  Scott Collins         101pts
7 .  No.149 Con Vayanos       100pts
8.   No. 152 Joe Mollica         97pts
9.   No. 105 Darren Jones     96pts
10. No.70   Kevin Bannerman 92pts

Following todays Twin Towns Triathlon race everyone competing will receive 35 points, with only one person from the top 10 list not racing today, there is not likely to be much  change.

Marshalls for next week:
Paul Woodger and Julies Bloor.

Remember we are still seeking volunteers to fill the marshalling roster. Please have a look, pick a date and location, go to the contacts page and fill in the form and submit.

Until next week, train hard and stay upright on your bike.