Twin Towns Tri 2nd Qualifying Race
Another massive rollup today, 8 newbies amongst many returning members. It was good to see the most people arrived earlier and registration was almost complete by 06:00.
With the increase in numbers, we need to ensure that your bikes are racked alternatively, see the photos from last week, someone upset the President by racking their bike where his was. Please ensure that you place your bike back where you took it from.
As this is the beginning of our season, its timely we address some rules and regulations;
Pool Etiquette, keep to the left of your lane at all times, unless your a gun swimmer and overtake people. Have a look at the link for a more concise understanding.
Treat all officials they way you would expect someone to treat you, they are volunteers, here to help everyone make the club better.
Rules of the Road, clearly indicate your intention when turning, we are not except from the road rules.
Under NSW legislation a bicycle is considered as a vehicle. As such, cyclists are required to obey the road rules, including stopping at red lights or Stop signs, Giving Way as indicated by signage and giving hand signals when changing direction.
Understanding the basics of Triathlons triathlon 101, there is plenty of information available of triathlons, if your not sure of something don’t be scared to ask, we all had to start once.
And the biggest bug bear of all, please ensure that each time you pass the registration table you slow down/stop and call out your number clearly. Our registration/recording team enter your number into the computer as well as writing it down to ensure that you receive your correct overall/transition times are the conclusion of the race. For those that need to leave early, your previous weeks times are available for collection for the following three weeks. They are also entered into a book which is available each week to compare yours and others times. Closer to the end of the season, you will notice some of the seasoned members checking how they are going against others in the same age category.
Doctor Bike ( I think he forgot his bike shoes this morning) shared some knowledge on cornering techniques, ensuring that your inside pedal is up – or you risk your pedal coming into contact with the bitumen and coming off. At the intersection of Glen Ayr and Ash Drive, there are a number of pink crosses painted on Ash Drive. If you cross over these pink crosses you, you have travelled onto the incorrect side of the road. To avoid this you need to plan your entry into the corner whilst travelling down Glen Ayr Dr approaching Ash.
Whislt speaking on that intersection, it was great to see our un-Offical Club photographer Jayde Aleman- back for another season, to view his fantastic photos you can find them on his face book page
On a sad note, we were informed today that Con Vaynos suffered a massive stroke during the off- season, Des Gooda said that he was improving slowly and we wish him a speedy recovery and would love to see him back in his Australian Tri Suit, here he is with other Noosa 2011 Twinnies podium finishers
Di Lance – Registration/Time Keeper wife to Glenn and mother to Matt celebrated her birthday today in keeping with female etiquette, I will not reveal how young she is. Happy …th birthday Di.
Chris Watt was presented with his reward for getting out of bed early each Saturday under some time arduous conditions to commemoratate completing 200 club races.
Our weekly random draw winners this week:
Kent Drury- Palm Beach Super Cycles, Darren Jones- Kingscliff Cycles, Julie West- Cannabil Clothing, Terry Simpson- South Tweed Bikes
If anyone is after a some club uniform, please see Julie Bloor. To ensure we don’t get left with any, we are asking for payment when you place your order. If you’re unsure of your size, there is a link to Cannabil on the uniform page or drop into their showroom on Machinery Drive and say hello to Di Lance. We are looking at introducing ladies crop tops and swimmer bottoms.
Club Member and triathlon freak Des Gooda has renewed his Triathlon coaching accreditation and will be holding the first of possibly many classes. The first will be following the race on Saturday 6th October, if you are interested in learning out triathlon transition and bike mount and dismount – here is the opportunity to learn from an expert. Cost to members $10, non-members $15
Club sponsor Storm Cycles located at 2/415 Golden Four Drive Tugun QLD 4224will be holding classes on tyre and tube changing this Tuesday 18 September 6pm. If your interested please give Sheridan, Terry a call on (07) 5534 7450 and book a spot as space is limited.
Anyone looking for a new cheap $9, light bike to ride in good weather, I have sourced a few for sale. Maybe we might see our sponsors selling some. Click on the link for more information.
Marshalls for next week
Woodlands Drive/Darlington Drive: John WARREN – Vice President
Amaroo Drive/Fraser Drive: Wendy Wise
We are still looking for volunteer marshalls. If you would like to claim a date, have a look at the roster and see what suits you and then send me an email via the Contact Us page
Stu Crawford
Twin Towns Triathlon Club