Race Report 10 November 2012

Here is a quick quiz –  What happened to the Twin Towns Triathlon crowd this morning was it? a) the Rain, b) Day Light Saving, c) Noosa is done and dusted. See the bottom of the page for the answer. Crowds were down this week, and the conditions were less than pleasant, although we have seen worse. Still we managed to get some new starters.

Today’s breakfast was brought to you by Barry and Tracey Saunders, parents of Lewis, George and Ashton. 

Here is a little background information on ;Barry runs Viva Soccer Northern NSW which is a Not for profit organisation which has just become a community partner of various clubs in Tweed Shire, our role as Viva Soccer is to improve the grassroots development of the game.

As part of our community partnership we link local schools and pre-schools to their local club or clubs and encourage more participants to the sport. At club level we offer free coach education and support to volunteer coaches at the club. We have also started to work with disadvantage children and are seeking funding via government grants to run more in the community.

Barry’s contact details:
Barry Saunders
Viva Soccer – Northern NSW
Tel: 0416 093561 / 1300 870 970
Fax: (07) 5665 6333



George, Tracey and Ashton Saunders – Breakfast Sponsors

Last week we saw the “Russ Evans” Memorial towel award to Noel Bitossi, this prize is awarded to the member leading the point score at the end of each month. PLEASE NOTE, only one towel per person each season… therefore that may go to 2nd, 3rd or whatever.

In addition we award a $100 voucher for the weekly handicap winner, this is how it works… the four (4) or five (5) winners for the month are placed in the draw and a winner is randomly selected. For September/October, the nominees were Adam Amos, Mary-ann Shuker, Amanda Attard, George Saunders and Mark Courtney and if you were there last week or visited the web site you will now that Mary-ann Shuker was the lucky winner.


Did anyone see an ostrich on the run course today??? or were my eyes playing up again!!


Ryan Stoddart “If I raise $150 by the 11th I’ll wear this costume and run in the 10.5km Nova 106.9 Mousdash Charity Run for Movember. Money raised goes towards Prostate Cancer Research.” Today was a practice run, and yes he is still taking donations.


Claim a Date- Saturday 16th December for Twin Towns Triathlon Club Xmas Party. Venue: The Boat Shed, Currumbin Creek Road.

Normally we are reporting on found/located/left behind property, but alas, this week we are seeking the location and return on one extremely valuable, popular item of clothing worn by many and in some cases scorned by some- one bright Hi Vis reflective vest has failed to make its way home to Doug. Please if you come across it, it will have Doug’s mobile number written upside down on the bottom right front corner.

We reported some weeks ago on a located black helmet and that if it was not collected we would use it for people who absentmindedly left theirs at home. Well I have to report that the owner has laid claim to his helmet.

As reported from Noosa last week, we managed to get 3 members on to the podium, Heidi Soweby 3rd in the 40-44 Female, Tracy Foyster 2nd in the 45-49 Female, Jo Ward 2nd in the 75-79 Male category. Due to a technical problem we are unable to bring you a photo, this should be rectified by next week, below are their respective splits.

No doubt Heidi and Tracy will be sneaking a peak into Doug’s records in the lead up to Club Championships, comparing times – Go Hard girls. As for Jo, who ever said age was a barrier to doing anything obviously hasn’t seen or spoken to Jo. Year after year he returns to Noosa and manages a podium finish. Well done 😉

Heidi Sowerby    Swim: 27:33       Cycle: 01:13:18   Run: 43:05            Total: 02:23:57
Tracy Foyster      Swim: 25:53       Cycle: 01:19:04   Run: 43:55            Total 02:18:53
Jo Ward               Swim: 01:05:34  Cycle 01:50:17    Run: 01:08:55      Total 04:04:47

Woodlands and Darlington Drive: Andrew (I’m not related to Lance) Armstrong
Amaroo and Fraser Drive: Warren Copping
We are still seeking three volunteers for Marshalling. Currently, both locations on 23 February are available and on the last race of the season, Club Championships- Amaroo and Fraser is available. Drop me a line if you can help out.


Vicki Lawes and Sue Baxter – Your official Texta Markers

Chris Watt is still seeking  volunteers to assist at the Kingscliff Triathlon being held on 25th November, he is asking that you contact him directly rather than QSM so that he can monitor and coordinate the volunteers. Please contact Chris. If you have already made contact with QSM, can you please let Chris know.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR EARLY STARTERS:   In order to steam line and maintain a quick registration process, those who need to start earlier than  their allocated handicap time, for whatever reason. You need to ensure that you are through registration before 05:30am; you will be allocated a start time of 06:00.

Have you even wondered what if would be like to compete at Kona Hawaii, and what you would need to do to achieve that goal, well, our own Brendan Brooks chief mechanic at Shortis Cycles has ticked that box and has provided an insight on the road trips page, along with Matt Stanley and Alex Gilks Melbourne Marathon jaunt.

There have also been some additions to the Members profile page….

a BIG THANKS goes out to Steven Ng at Zarraffa’s Coffee, Banora Point for his donation of complimentary coffee vouchers that have been distributed over the past couple of week.
The best Zarraffa’s coffee in NSW!
Remember to say hello and thank him,next time you drop in. The store is open 7 days per week. If you have got a voucher and have not claimed your coffee, the vouchers expire on 20 November.

This weeks trivial information:

Many years ago in Scotland , a new game was invented.
It was ruled ‘Gentlemen Only…Ladies Forbidden’.. .
And thus, the word GOLF entered into the English language.

If you choose a-b or c you win the prize. It really wasn’t that bad, we had just over 80 regulars and 4 brand new starters

Stu Crawford
Twin Towns Triathlon Club