At a recent Workplace Health and Safety meeting of Twin Towns Services Club Limited the topic of heat stroke was discussed and information was to be made available to all Internal Sections, hence this letter. Although susceptibility to heat stroke depends on a person’s physical condition, hydration, and many other elements it was noted that Bowls Western Australia have adopted a policy to cease playing when temperatures in the shade reach 40 degrees for Mens Pennants and 37 degrees for Ladies Pennants. Although Twin Towns is not choosing to dictate a set temperature to determine cease of play in any of the Clubs sporting facilities it is still necessary that common sense is used and each Section take care and make appropriate decisions in temperature extremes for the Safety of the members.
We all generally understand the effect humidity plays in increasing discomfort, however to illustrate it more accurately I have attached a Heat and Discomfort Index for your perusal. The table clearly illustrates that for example a 30 degree day at 90% humidity is in the Serious Danger level whilst a 30 degree day at 40% humidity is in the Slight Discomfort level.