We still have some vacancies for race day marshalls. Coming up we need some assistance at the roundabout of Leisure and Woodlands Drive on 15th October and the following Saturday 22nd October (Double Distance) at the intersection of Fraser and Amaroo Drive.
I have added the race day marshall’s roster , above under the 2011/2012 Season dates and over on the left hand side. As you can see there are still a few vacancies.
–A requirement of Tweed Shire Traffic Committee to hold our weekly races is that we MUST have marshalls on the intersections of Fraser Drive and Amaroo Drive and Woodlands Drive and Darlington Drive wearing reflective vests.
You are NOT TO DIRECT TRAFFIC, but offer a visible indication to motorists and advise competitors of any issues.
The Rostered volunteer needs to be the first person to reach there and the last to leave. Remember, YOUR job is to alert riders if traffic is approaching, NOT to provide advice when to move. That is the riders responsibility.
Any volunteer’s start time will be adjusted to allow you to be the first competitor there and will receive 15 points for your race, regardless of your completion time.
With upwards of 250 active members and the expectation that you will only be required to do this once in a season, we would appreciate your help by volunteering.
If you are able to assist, please email me with the date and preferred intersection to enquiries@twintownstriathlon.org.au