On Saturday the 19th September Twin Towns Triathlon Club will be holding their annual Sign on Day.
You will be able to register for the season if you are new to the club or a seasoned member.
Committee Members will be there from 6am to 7am and will be taking groups out to show them the bike and run course.
This is a great opportunity to come and ask any questions and get to know the course so we hope to see you all there.
Our new Twin Towns “celebrating 25 years” uniforms will be ready to order on sign on day.
We will have a list of prices and photos on the website this week. We will be submitting our first order early in the season as there will be a 2 week turn around for delivery of uniforms. Orders will be taken by Wendy Wise on the sign on day and then at the weekly Tri’s.
We hope to see you all there.
Categories: General