Fifty one competitors joined us this morning to race in windy and warm conditions. Again a northerly helped the uphill climb…..any assistance up Fraser is always welcomed.
It’s great to see everyone helping out by adhering to our Covid plan and not congregating in big groups. A reminder that as a part of our plan we are required to enter the pool through the gate at the end of the bike racks. To leave the pool area we ask Our Marshalls have reported that not all competitors are slowing down as they come to the roundabouts. It’s really important that you slow down in these areas. Also, please don’t go through red lights. We must follow all road rules and we don’t want to receive complaints that may jeopardise us being able to continue to hold the race. Running a red light will result in disqualification.
Photographer missing in action??
Super Teams Relay Event Postponed
Previously advertised for next week, the Super Teams Relay Event will now be run on Saturday 14th November and will be followed by breakfast being served to you by the Committee Members.
**It’s important that you are aware that to take part in the event each team member must complete PART of each discipline/leg. Teams will be made of members who have registered online after Saturday 7th and before Thursday 12th November at 7.00pm. If you register and then decide you don’t want to or can’t race, please advise Dave or Stu ASAP so your name isn’t included in a team. Thank you!
Thank you to Scott Wildon, Pete Harrington, Craig Telling and Sue Hawkins for doing the marshalling duties this week.
Next week Marshalls are; Warren Copping on Fraser, Mel Duff at Woodlands Drive, Clive Pearce at Lochlomond RAB and Lorraine Bassett/Kylie Gibson at the Tooloona RAB.
Please check the Marshalling Roster to see when you are marshalling. If the date allocated doesn’t suit, please organise your own replacement. Thank you!
- It’s great to see the return of long term Twinnies member, Pete Serone competing in his first race of the 20/21 Season.
Don’t forget to register for next weeks race no later than 7pm on Thursday night. Unfortunately no registrations will be taken on race morning.
Have a great weekend everyone. I hope you’ve got your cupboards stocked with treats for the trick or treaters that may knock on your door this evening!
Tracy 🙂