We had a quiet, cool race this morning with only 29 competitors as a lot of our members were competing in various events in the Tweed Endura at Pottsville. Great conditions for racing and we wish all who entered the best of luck! Another event this weekend is at Robina tomorrow and again good luck to all who will be racing. Look out next week for results for both events. Next weekend a number of our members are heading north to the Sunshine Coast for the Mooloolaba Triathlon – wishing you guys a great race as well!
Our Club Championships will be held in 2 weeks time on Saturday 20th March. Race briefing will be at 5.50am with the non-competitive wave beginning at 6.00am, followed by the Intermediate wave at 6.15am and then the competitive championship race at 6.30am. To be eligible to race in the competitive wave you must have completed a minimum of 10 club races and registered your name on the nomination form found at the sign on table.
Following the Club Championship race (about 8.00am) we will be holding our presentation of awards and then providing breakfast. There will be no charge for the breakfast but it is essential that you RSVP by accepting through Facebook, sending an email or putting your name on the RSVP sheet next Saturday. We MUST have final numbers by next week. The Juniors are also having their Presentation and have been invited to the breakfast. This is a great opportunity for the senior and junior clubs to get together and for us to encourage and support the younger generation to move up to the senior club when the time comes and stay in the sport. It will be a great morning as there will be over $2000 in prizes to be won!
Thank you to Sharon Klein, Wendy Sanders, Warren Copping, Matt Stanley and Loraine Bassett who were our Marshalls out on the course today
Next week Marshalls are; Anthony Rushton on Fraser, Richard Mourant at Woodlands Drive, Danny Khazen at Lochlomond RAB and Jeff Stella at the Tooloona RAB.
Tracy 🙂