Another great role up today, with 79 competitors across both intermediate and full distances battling windy conditions on some parts of the course.  Thanks to Noel and Travis Coleman and Kirsten Ellis (PS great photos on our FB page) for marshaling today.

We were lucky to have at least 5 new members racing with us today, Matthew and Geoffrey Tapping drove up from Ballina,  Hippolyte Lanchou a  French exchange student living in Tweed, Rob Eid and Luke Henry from the Gold Coast. A special thanks to Paul Woodger and Des Gooda for escorting around them course. Apologies if I missed anyone else.

See the Race Results tab for everyones race spilts from yesterday.

How good was breakfast this morning, a huge shout out to Di Lance (mum of  President Matt) and Wendy Sanders, awesome effort.  It’s was great to see everyone hanging around and chatting without having to race off.  We have planned another 3 breakfasts throughout the season, so check out those dates on our calendar and make sure to attend.

Next week  marshals   6 Oct are:
Top Fraser RAB: Kyle Mooney
Darlington/Woodlands RAB: D.Emery
Darlington/Loclomond RAB: Des Gooda

Dave, our Time Keeper/Recorder reports that 63 competitors took the opportunity to register on-line. This has two major benefits. Firstly it helps him create the race start list on Friday afternoon and secondly, it helps you as a competitor to fast track your Saturday morning registration bypassing the first desk and going straight to the second table to pay your weekly race fee, and get your shoulder number. PS On-Line registrations for next week are now open and close 5pm next Friday.

To qualify for membership of Twin Towns Triathlon Club and only pay $10 per week, requires you to be a financial member of Twin Towns Services Club and a member of the Sub Club- Triathlon. If not-you are required to pay $15 per week as a non member. Twin Town Membership desk provides our club with an updated monthly list of financial members. We have that list and there are a number of members who have not renewed their membership with Twin Towns Services Club and the Sub Club- Triathlon. So please take the opportunity this week to renew your membership or bring $15 to race. You can renew online, over the phone,  or in person at each of the clubs.  If your tech savy, you can go to either  Apple App Store or Google Play and download the ‘Twin Towns’ app.  On the membership screen, it will show you your Twin Towns membership number and what sub clubs you are currently financial with.

One of our new ‘cycle ahead’ signs that was placed at the top of Fraser Drive has been taken! Hopefully by a good thinking member, if you have if please let me know by sending me a quick message via the Contact Page.

A few observations that were passed back to the committee following yesterdays event. Cyclists were seen to change lanes when approaching the roundabout on Fraser/Stradbroke (turn around point) with out checking to see if there were any cars behind them.  Another went to overtake a slow moving car along Darlington Drive. We are not riding for podium finishes, earning prize money or playing for sheep stations. This is only the second race of our season and still a qualifying event. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBiLITY TO CONDUCT YOURSELF IN A SAFE MANNER WHEN RIDING ON THE ROAD. COMMONSENSE MUST PREVAIL IN ALL SITUATIONS- DON’T TAKE ANY UNNECESSARY RISKS. IF YOU SEE ANOTHER COMPETITOR PARTAKING IN A DANGEROUS MANNER, PLEASE LET THE PRESIDENT OR  A COMMITTEE MEMBER KNOW ASAP.

Thanks to everyone that has so far nominated for marshaling, we still have a few holes to fill so jump over to the Calendar/Marshaling tab, pick a date and send me a message. If you are rostered on and need to change, please let me know as early as possible.

Looking forward to seeing your all again next week.










Categories: General