Australia Day – Joe Kelly Memorial Teams Event

Tracy and Debbie
Next week we will he holding our annual teams event, this is where everyone will be placed into a team, within that team you will nominate who is your swimmer, rider and runner. You will still need to register so that we have an idea on how many competitors will be competing. The distances will be different, the pool swim will be 12 laps, the bike course will be 3 laps around Darlington Drive and the run course will be extended to 5km. Following the race there will be a BBQ breakfast that will cost you $2 per head. Dress of the day if you choose to participate will be retro tri!
Congratulations goes to Richard Mourant on joining the Twinnies 200 race club in his 10 season.
Our annual AGM will be held on Saturday 2nd March approximately 08:00am following the race, with that we are calling for nominations for the committee. If you are interested in bringing enthusiasm and new ideas to a very progressive Tri Club committee you can collect a nomination from the timing desk next Saturday.
Ginny Jones, Craig Telling, Guy Davoren and Hollie Robards
Today your course marshals were Ross Salmon up on Fraser, Cheyne Hampson at Woodlands Drive and Jeff Stella at the Lochlomond RAB. Next week there will be no marshals, but the following week Remember, if you wish to compete in the Club Championships, you need to have marshaled once during the season, we still have some holes to fill so please let me know what date you would like by sending me an email.
We are looking forward to our last race of the season, the time we find out who is the fastest over our course. With our current male champ- Travis Coleman out of contention due to his professional cycling pursuits, there are a number of people who have the opportunity to wear the number 1 on their arm, and the women, who’s going to have a crack at beating Tracy Foyster?? If you’re interested in checking on times of other competitors over the season click here. And don’t forget, to compete in the club champions race you need to have completed a marshaling post some time throughout the season. Let me know if you need to marshal.

Tracy 440 races & Wendy 509 races over 900 races between them – Champions!
See you all next week, and don’t forget to register, here is Erin Davoren showing off her injury. On the rare occasion we have cyclists fall off their bike, but I don’t think we have ever had some fall over on the run course. Look at all that blood on her knee!