It was pretty good conditions this morning for racing, although a little warm during the run and still a little smokey from the fires. We had our biggest numbers for the season with over 80 Twinnies members out enjoying early morning exercise.
Welcome to our new members this morning; Shaun Oldbury and Adrian Rota – hope you enjoyed the experience and we see you back next week!
Andrew has asked anyone who wears strapping tape to please put it in the garbage bins and not leave it by the pool or in the change rooms. Thank you.
Remember that our Christmas Party is on Sunday 15th December at Terranora Tavern from 2pm. Hopefully you can make it!!
Random Draw Winners
Congratulations to the following random draw winners and thank you to our sponsors; Tweed Coast Chiropractic , Coast Cyclery, Twisted Fig Cafe, and Oasis Pools who have provided vouchers;
Jeff Stella, Mark Collins, Wendy Saunders, Guy Daveron, Lucas Nixon-Hind and Tim Taylor.
Dave Emery won the special draw for wearing a Twinnies Shirt.
60 Seconds with Scott Wilden
Des also talked about the increased number of traffic on the road this morning and the danger on roundabouts. Always get eye contact with drivers approaching a roundabout and don’t just assume they will give your right of way.
Thank you to our Marshalls today; Richard Mourant, Michelle Jones, Sue Baxter and Kevin Bannerman
Next week marshalls are; Cheyne Hampson on Fraser, Jo Colja at Woodlands Drive, Sue Hawkins at Lochlomond RAB and Craig Telling at the Tooloona RAB.
Noosa Triathlon
We had a large number of Twinnies members compete at the Noosa Triathlon 2 weeks ago. Congratulations to Jim Collins who was awarded a ‘gold plated’ Noosa Tri Suit for completing 25 Noosa Triathlons! Other milestones were Dave De Closey and Guy Davron who were awarded running singlets for completing 15 events. Well done!! Congratulations to everyone who competed and especially John King who missed out on getting a podium position on the day because of an incorrectly recorded swim time! An awesome effort John!