Today was the annual Teams Race in memory of our great friend and fellow triathlete, Joe Kelly. For those of you who are new to the club, Joe and his wife Laura joined the club from Canada while Joe was working locally. Joe was tragically killed while competing in the Brisbane Twilight Half Marathon when a branch fell from a tree and hit him during a freak storm that occurred while he was racing. Joe was an accomplished triathlete who had been competing for more than 20 years in Ironman, Half Ironman, Olympic and Sprint Distance events. Laura is still very much a part of our club with the help of social media and regular visits back. Joe is sadly missed, but we feel lucky that we are still able to keep in contact and see Laura. Hopefully Laura will be back to Australia soon so everyone can meet her.

It was great to see around 50 people turn up for this mornings event. We had 16 teams who were expertly handicapped by Dave, Kent, Jenny and Kev. The race began with 12 laps of the pool, followed by 3 laps of Darlington Drive and finishing with a spectator friendly 5k run mostly within the Club Banora grounds. Our first team home consisted of a fast Ginny Freeman, Mark Collinson and Sharon Klein. The winning team was awarded to the team closest to handicap and they were Rob Gillies, Jeff Stella and Sebastian Robertson coming in spot on handicap at a time of 73 mins. Great work! After the race we enjoyed a super Australia Day breakfast cooked by Glenn and Rob and organised by Wendy. Thanks so much guys!

Next week Marshalls are Michelle Jones, Pete Townsend and Peter Serone.

Club Championships

A reminder that if you wish to compete in the Club Championships, you need to have marshalled once during the season, we still have some holes to fill so please let Stu know what date you would like by sending him an email.

Categories: General