It was great to see 81 keen competitors arrive nice and early to brave a very chilly start to the day. Hard to believe it was so cool after such a scorcher last weekend! Once the race began and the initial shock of the cool pool was out of the way, conditions were pretty good. Thank you to the wonderful Jenny Scaysbrook for once again overseeing the timekeeping system. Remember to call your number out each time you cross the timing mat just in case there is a problem with your timing chip.
A reminder that every competitor must have working front and back lights. There were still a couple of people today that didn’t have lights. This is a real safety issue. With so many cars on the road we want to be as obvious as possible and a bright flashing light is essential. Our President, Matt reminded competitors they will be disqualified if this is not adhered to.
Congratulations to Terry Simpson who was presented with his ‘150 races’ cap – a great achievement!
Welcome to our new members Katie Frew and Jack Love who did their first Twinnies race this morning
Thank you to our sponsors who provided the following random draw prizes this week;
Clive Pearce – Coast Cyclery
Danny Khazen – Tweed Coast Chiropractic
Tracy Copping – Twisted Fig
Rowena Smith – Therapies on Boyd
Tim Stella – South Tweed Super Cycles Drink Bottle
Johnathon Davies – Amanzi Swim Cap
A reminder that the Christmas Party is on Saturday 24th November. There will be buses leaving from a number of locations heading south to the Byron Distillery, followed by dinner at Asian Fusion at Mullumbimby. The cost is $60 per person and money needs to be paid next Saturday. See our very friendly events coordinator, Julie West for more details. It will be a fantastic night and everyone is welcome.
If you would like to order a race suit or any other Twinnies gear please see me or call (0417907236) in the next couple of weeks as the order will go in before Christmas. This will be the only order for the season. I need money when the order is placed.
Tracey Foyster