Well, its that time of year again.When we dust off the bike, clean the swim goggles and relace the runners. At least for some of us. For others its the chance to put to good use all that hard off season training.

Welcome back, to all our past members and welcome to all our new fresh faces. We were blessed with a glorious morning of clear skies and non- existant wind for our first race back, ideal conditions which will hopefully continue throughout this race season. It was great too see racing was completed without any major hiccups, however, please endevour to arrive early, so registration can be completed by 6am. Myself and the club committee are here to hopefully administrate the running of the club as smoothly and efficiently as humanly possible. Please feel free to approach us for any suggestions you may have, however, we reserve the right to laugh and scoff…LOL.  We have some great inclusions to this years race schedule, with the team event the weekend of xmas sdure to be a cracka… start thinking up your custume now. Once again, during the year we will be having our brekfasts after racing, from time to time.

Dr Bike is back and Alex Gilks has informed me that he will speak occasionally on the secrets to manipulating the handicap system..HAHA!!…but seriously…. he does! Once again , welcome to one and all, and lets have a SAFE and enjoyable season.

Mr President